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alterlinux: Commit


Commit MetaInfo

Revisión55cfb8ba021266d754eb21fb22c666f9f7a49442 (tree)
Tiempo2020-10-04 05:55:31
AutorDavid Runge <dvzrv@arch...>
CommiterDavid Runge

Log Message

Replace bash arithmetic with awk functions

The bash arithmethics in _make_boot_uefi-x64.systemd-boot.esp() introduced rounding issues, that can lead to
insufficient FAT image size for the files.
Conversion functions for awk now replace the bash arithmetics and additionally a ceil() function rounds the calculated
size up to the next full MiB.
Add an info message about the size of the created FAT image.

Fixes #70

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

--- a/archiso/mkarchiso
+++ b/archiso/mkarchiso
@@ -544,16 +544,22 @@ _make_boot_uefi-x64.systemd-boot.esp() {
544544 _msg_info "Setting up systemd-boot for UEFI booting..."
545545 install -d -m 0755 -- "${isofs_dir}/EFI/archiso"
547- efiboot_imgsize="$(( (( (( $(du --apparent-size -bc \
547+ # the required image size in KiB (rounded up to the next full MiB with an additional MiB for reserved sectors)
548+ efiboot_imgsize="$(du -bc \
548549 "${airootfs_dir}/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi" \
549550 "${airootfs_dir}/usr/share/edk2-shell/x64/Shell_Full.efi" \
550551 "${profile}/efiboot/" \
551552 "${airootfs_dir}/boot/vmlinuz-"* \
552553 "${airootfs_dir}/boot/initramfs-"*".img" \
553554 "${airootfs_dir}/boot/"{intel-uc.img,intel-ucode.img,amd-uc.img,amd-ucode.img,early_ucode.cpio,microcode.cpio} \
554- 2>/dev/null | awk 'END {print $1}') / 1048576 )) +1 )) * 1024 ))"
555+ 2>/dev/null | awk 'function ceil(x){return int(x)+(x>int(x))}
556+ function byte_to_kib(x){return x/1024}
557+ function mib_to_kib(x){return x*1024}
558+ END {print mib_to_kib(ceil((byte_to_kib($1)+1024)/1024))}'
559+ )"
555560 # The FAT image must be created with mkfs.fat not mformat, as some systems have issues with mformat made images:
556561 # https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2019-04/msg00099.html
562+ _msg_info "Creating FAT image of size: ${efiboot_imgsize} KiB..."
557563 mkfs.fat -C -n ARCHISO_EFI "${isofs_dir}/EFI/archiso/efiboot.img" "$efiboot_imgsize"
559565 mmd -i "${isofs_dir}/EFI/archiso/efiboot.img" ::/EFI ::/EFI/BOOT
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