To download a portable version go to releases section and select a asume_portable_x.x.x.7z where x.x.x is the version you want.
Reads the flat tree structure of the Altap Salamander User Menu from Windows registry. The registry path is based on the user and salamander version combination. If no such combination can be found the user can enter the registry path manually. The flat tree is converted to a regular tree structure which can be arbitrary complex.
The user can manipulate the tree any way preferred. After the editing is complete user can decide whether to export it to a registry file (*.reg) or save it directly back to the Windows registry.
Note: Do not forget that if you have Altap Salamander setup in a way that it always saves the settings, you need to close all your Altap Salamander instances prior saving changes into Windows registry. Otherwise your changes could be overwritten.
This application is dedicated to the memories of my mom who passed on during its writing.
I wish for the VM and STC of the Smalltalk/X to be released as open-source. It would be great addition to the world of Smalltalk programming. It would greatly improve the Smalltalk/X for the eXept too, if one could send patches for it.
This application is covered by more than 270 tests. This does not include more than 100 tests that cover reading/writing to Windows registry - now included with Smalltalk/X-jv branch. All together this application has more than 370 tests to cover its functionality. I have tested the application on Windows 10 x64 and Windows 7 x64 so for these it is properly tested.
Of course, that does not mean there are no bugs, it only means I do not know about them.
I have decided to go with Creative Commons 4.0 (CC) license basically for the reason that I am using icons that are using CC too. Please be sure to read the license at the ASIconLibrary class source code for you to be compliant with the icons' license.
First you need to compile yourself a Smalltalk/X-jv branch environment. The best way is to do it via this guide Building Smalltalk/X with rake files.
When the environment is ready then you need to follow these steps:
There were some challenges along the road when creating this application. I will describe the most important and my approach in dealing with them.
The first one was mysteriously disappearing text. For complete history you can visit the #126 Copy to workspace (same thing in the Inspector) this line - becomes invisible (only when selecting via mouse it appears) ticket.
On windows (7 and up) there is undocumented, you can not find this information anywhere, limit for raster size when using TextOutA or TextOutW. Experimentally, I have come to the conclusion that the limit is most likely set to 16384 points of the raster. To correctly calculate the maximum display buffer (maxDisplayBuffer) I have come to a formula:
maxDisplayBuffer = 16384 / (maxWidth + tmet.tmOverhang);
The whole definition of tmOverhang is the following (from MSND about TEXTMETRIC structure):
tmOverhang The extra width per string that may be added to some synthesized fonts. When synthesizing some attributes, such as bold or italic, graphics device interface (GDI) or a device may have to add width to a string on both a per-character and per-string basis. For example, GDI makes a string bold by expanding the spacing of each character and overstriking by an offset value; it italicizes a font by shearing the string. In either case, there is an overhang past the basic string. For bold strings, the overhang is the distance by which the overstrike is offset. For italic strings, the overhang is the amount the top of the font is sheared past the bottom of the font. The tmOverhang member enables the application to determine how much of the character width returned by a GetTextExtentPoint32 function call on a single character is the actual character width and how much is the per-string extra width. The actual width is the extent minus the overhang.
In very rare case there is something wrong with GetTextMetricsW(hDC, &tmet) there is a fixed maxDisplayBuffer = 107;. (Smaller buffer would be extremely slow and larger could lead again to disappearing text). This value was derived from all 1170 fonts installed on my computer and computing avgWidth for all fonts size 96pt (In my eyes, this should suffice 99.9% of times. When was the last time you have used 96pt font and above for extremely long strings?)
The Windows registry is naturally Unicode (UTF-16). The Smalltalk/X-jv had some issues when it came to the reading/writing to Windows Registry.
First I fixed the reading from Windows registry - #250 Smalltalk/X is reading Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16. There I have provided a set of patches that fix libbasic to correctly read Unicode strings from the registry
Second came writing to the windows registry #252 Smalltalk/X is writing Windows Registry only in ASCII but registry is UTF16. Same as reading I have provides set of patches to libbasic and tests.
Note: What needs to be noted I tried to stick to the original code as much as possible and there is one thing that needs to be addressed. In the function #valueTypeAndSize: there is automatic detection if the written value will be either DWORD or QWORD based on dataSize. This can nuisance when a user would like to write a DWORD sized variable into QWORD directly. If there is such a need this code needs to be re-factored and enable user to specify the registry type.
With the patches I have provided over 100 tests to be sure, of course only to some extent, that the reading and writing is done correctly.
Renaming subKey (#renameSubKey:to:) functionality is used during a save. The save process renames the current subKey to have a backup to rollback to. To my surprise there is no current documented function to rename a subKey, apparently Microsoft forgot to document it. It comes down to either use undocumented RegRenameKey or NtRenameKey which is currently marked as obsolete. I have decided to use RegRenameKey as first choice having NtRenameKey as a fallback.
For my Smalltalk/X embedded C programming I have created even a highlighting file for the Sublime Text 3 editor - Sublime Text 3 highlighting for Smalltalk/X