No 16:9 fullscreen any more?
I would be very grateful if somebody could make DTXMANIA support widescreen natively.
I also use 16:10 monitor (1920x1200) with ATI Radeon HD4200, and no black bar appears at fullscreen mode.
Please let me know the exact version when your issue occurs? And please check your display settings.
Yes, your request is alredy submitted ... ticket #23511. But it is very hard to change screen design...because both "cool design" and "cool UI" are requested, I know. Especially changing UI is very troublesome task. So it will take a long time to implement.
I have an NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT with 1920x1080 pixel resolution on Windows 7 (x86 with DirectX11) and tried with the latest DTXMania090.
Ok, you use NVIDIA graphic card.
Would you check "Flat panel scaling" setting in NVIDIA Control Panel?
I found the menu but strangely I cannot chose anything different than "Use my display built-in scaling". Whenever I select something different, it flickers and I can confirm that the screen still looks ok but then the selection jumps back to "built-in". Google says that people are complaining that this selection has no effect since 2008...
Since one of the last updates the fullscreen mode does not fill my 16:9 monitor any more but leaves big black bars on the right and left side. Did you force it to a maximum resolution? I would prefer a wider image even if some of the background pictures would look a bit "squeezed".