Input lag over 99
Sorry for my late reply.
Does your PC recognize your iED05 as a JoyPad? or MIDI?
If joypad, try VSyncWait=OFF and BufferedInput=ON in CONFIGURATION/System. It may decrease your lags.
Thank you for the reply - It is recognized as a Joypad in Windows 7. I tried adjusting the settings you suggested, and it did seem to decrease the lag a bit. However, it is still about a 120-130ms delay.
1) Yes, it does seem to lag in the included software. It is probably within about 10-20ms off.
2) I am in the process of trying to locate/record the inputs from the joypads. All I can say for now is that every button is registered as a button press in Windows under the "Game Controllers", "Properties" dialogue. It also seems that the velocity is recognized as an increase in an Axis, Slider, or and X Y or Z Rotation. For example, hitting the snare registers button 2 and moves the Axis value along the Y Axis by a value that is about equal to about how hard the pad is hit.
3) The FAQ didn't help much...Fortunately, I'm able to get DTXMania to recognize all of the inputs. It generates the same joypad code, regardless of how hard the pad is hit which leads me to believe that the velocity sensitivity is not translated into DTXMania.
Again, thank you for all of your help!
Temporally I close this ticket. Please reopen it if you need.
Hello! Thank you for all of your amazing work.
I have a problem - I own this drum kit: It has a USB interface instead of MIDI.
When using this set in DTXMania, I experience an input delay of over 140ms. In the program, I am only able to set input delay to 99.
Is there any way to solve this? Or should I buy a MIDI connection to play with correct timing?