DTXMania & Yamaha DTX 550k
First of all, please check DTX550k's configuration (self rejection etc).
And maybe DTX550k has several MIDI note numbers for the single pad (depends on the velocity = your hitting strongness). (Roland V-drum has a slimilar feature.)
So please register "all" MIDI notes specified to the drum pads.
3 monthes passed. I close the ticket. If you have any troubles about it, please re-open the ticket.
Hi, I'm using DTXMania with Yamaha DTX 550k connected to PC by a no brand MIDI-USB cable. It happens that after some playing (randomly I think) not all the notes are recognized by the program (notes are recognized only if I wait at least a second from one to another hit to any pad). I used to play DTXMania with Yamaha DTXpress e-drum and with the same cable I had no problem. Only solution I found is to change the song on the brain of the DTX 550k: this fix the note missing and let me play again... until it miss notes again! Any clue about how to solve it? Thanks!