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base: Commit

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Commit MetaInfo

Revisión378e64d89403b895e3717654d7b88d28d567bfd7 (tree)
Tiempo2015-11-18 22:09:16
AutorTakuo Yasunaga <yasunaga@bio....>
CommiterTakuo Yasunaga

Log Message

modified: Makefile

Cambiar Resumen

Diferencia incremental

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ git-push-with-check::
264264 SSS=`git tag | sort -k 2,2 -n -t p | tail -1`; \
265265 if [ ! -z "$$SSS" ]; then \
266266 echo "$$SSS is Current Tags in $$ORIGINNAME."; \
267- echo -n "Was the current tag updated? [ Y|y | Nn ]: "; \
267+ echo -n "Was the current tag updated? [ Y|y | N|n ]: "; \
268268 read TTT; \
269269 if [ "$$TTT" = Y -o "$$TTT" = y ]; then \
270270 git push $$ORIGINNAME master --tags; \
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