Drop unused last_turns_shield_surplus from edit_city packet
Hm, maybe make use of it in newer versions rather than dropping it? Well, it's not a minute task to understand what shields do what and what we want them to do...
Reply To ihnatus
Hm, maybe make use of it in newer versions rather than dropping it? Well, it's not a minute task to understand what shields do what and what we want them to do...
I find it unlikely that it will ever get used. For starters, there isn't often such a thing as "last turn" for a city in editor, as the city has likely been added in the same turn.
If that field is ever needed in the network protocol, it's trivial to add back at that time - no need to keep on sending (uninitialized - delta protocol poison) value meanwhile.
Ihnatus in #42685:
"There is a field last_turns_shield_surplus in editing protocol but it is currently not used."
Drop the unused field from the branches where network protocol change is trivially allowed (S3_1 & master)