Negated VUT_DIPLREL_UNITANY description wrong
I took a risk with Finnish translation, and wrote it the way I think this should be. Now, if the original string gets found correct, we have to remember to update Finnish translation (without the original string changing, which is the usual way of invalidating the translation) Yet, if the original string changes, we still have to unfuzzy Finnish translation after that (but at least the wording has been thought up already)
For VUT_DIPLREL_UNITANY, reqtext.c says:
"Requires that you have the relationship '%s' with the owner of at least one unit at the tile."
and for negated (not-present) one:
"Requires that you do not have the relationship '%s' with the owner of at least one unit at the tile."
Negated one seems wrong to me (or at least not the negated version of the main text - it's also possible that the error is in that one). What I'd expect negated to be:
"Requires that you do not have the relationship '%s' with the owner of any unit at the tile."