AI should accept the gift of embassy, even from opponent
3.0.6 ai=tex,classic
I tried to give embassy to my enemies, just to help to catch up in tech, with tech leakage.
A backward nation searching invention (when i was at future tech30 or so) refused the gift with no counter part
It should just take the gold and benefit from an embassy, even if we are at war and they hate me.
Opposite problem :
#42375 AIs Should Never Give Away a Hard Embassy Without Receiving One
3.0.6 ai=tex,classic
I tried to give embassy to my enemies, just to help to catch up in tech, with tech leakage.
A backward nation searching invention (when i was at future tech30 or so) refused the gift with no counter part
It should just take the gold and benefit from an embassy, even if we are at war and they hate me.