silent noisy warning "Did not find a cm solution..."
I wouldn't remove it completely. How about setting logging level to verbose? (Or if you insist, have it always on debug level only, as currently in testmatic use) If someone wants to find out what's wrong, they should be able to have it logged.
While factually correct that nothing prevents it happening, it's not completely harmless either - cm aborts with non-optimal solution at that point. This message has already made us to increase the cap as its frequency has indicated that cm should try harder.
Anyway, the patches look good to me, functionally. We would prefer 'git format-patch' output for the metadata they contain, though. Most importantly it would give credit directly to you, as the commit author. But I can also use these, and just give the credit in the commit message.
Attached is patch to completely remove warning, except in the case #ifdef FREECIV_TESMATIC (as someone cares enough about it to #ifdef )
As noted in #44438 , it is not a bug , it is normal , and it generates lot of pollution in logs of large games like WW1 scenario (even if it happens much less than 1% of time)