Incidencia #48251

Support multiple trade routes between the same cities

Abrir Fecha: 2023-06-17 16:55 Última actualización: 2023-06-17 19:06

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Something I had been thinking already, but now brought up by bard in

We could support multiple trade routes between two cities, carrying different Good.

A bit too big a new feature to start implementing to S3_2 trying to reach d3f -> targeting 3.3.

Ticket History (3/4 Histories)

2023-06-17 16:55 Updated by: cazfi
  • New Ticket "Support multiple trade routes between the same cities" created
2023-06-17 17:29 Updated by: bard

Thank you.

Would it be possible an option to allow one Caravan to carry all the resources available in the city (within its city radius) at once?, so you end up with one single trade route that carries several Goods, instead of several trade routes which carry one Goods each.

I think this would allow to implement a trade system equal to the one used in my earth ruleset, but with UI support (and much less effect entries).

2023-06-17 17:42 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To bard

Would it be possible an option to allow one Caravan to carry all the resources available in the city (within its city radius) at once?, so you end up with one single trade route that carries several Goods, instead of several trade routes which carry one Goods each.

There's no inherent link between Resources and Goods, but I think there are ways we could enable your use-case (have to thin a bit more if they *really* are feasible)

2023-06-17 19:06 Updated by: bard

Reply To cazfi

There's no inherent link between Resources and Goods, but I think there are ways we could enable your use-case (have to thin a bit more if they *really* are feasible)

Right, my post was mixing concepts wrongly because I have not used Goods recently... but I think you understood my use-case.

However, now I'm not sure it would reduce the complexity to implement my use-case: maybe less code needed in the effects file, but more in the Goods section, and the info in the UI would not be much better.

I retire my request of "one single trade route that carries several Goods". I think the Traderoute range already works well for that. And I must say 3.0 seems much better optimized to run a game that uses it. In 2.6 the loading times of a savegame were much longer (due to Traderoute range effects).

But there is a related request, in my mind for long time, that I would like to open in a new ticket: the possibility to force the creation of a trade route, regardless if the existing trade routes produce more trade: Ticket #48253

(Edited, 2023-06-17 19:39 Updated by: bard)

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