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Descripción del Proyecto

GeoTools is a GIS toolkit that is used for OGC-based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. It includes two great SLD based renderers and tools for raster access and reprojection as well as plugins for Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL, and many more.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-12-11 06:13 Back to release list

Esta versión corrige un problema de codificación del lector atributo shapefile. WFSDataStore ya no se cuelga indefinidamente en una conexión. Comportamiento incoherente en org.geotools.styling.StrokeImpl se ha solucionado. El filtro de 1,0 correctamente codifica elementos FeatureId. Un error en la función de equalInterval de los atributos no numéricos se ha solucionado. CQL valores de fecha y hora ya no una excepción en Oracle. El codificador cierra colecciones característica. Un filtro de BBox con un nombre de propiedad vacía debe ser apoyada.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
This release fixes an encoding problem from the shapefile attribute reader. WFSDataStore no longer hangs indefinitely on a connection. Inconsistent behavior in org.geotools.styling.StrokeImpl has been fixed. The 1.0 filter properly encodes FeatureId elements. A bug in the equalInterval function for non-numerical attributes has been fixed. CQL datetime values no longer throw an exception in Oracle. The encoder closes feature collections. A BBox filter with an empty property name should be supported.

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