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Descripción del Proyecto

K-3D is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux & Win32. Features include creation and editing of geometry in multiple realtime OpenGL solid, shaded, and texture-mapped views; unlimited undos and redos; complete extensibility at runtime through third-party plugins; animated procedural geometric effects; all parameters animatable through a consistent control-spline based interface; rendering pipeline to Renderman Interface compliant rendering engines; optimization for use with the Aqsis rendering engine, which features solid modelling, true displacement, and user programmable shaders; and support for background and batch rendering.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-09-17 20:09 Back to release list

Carga de archivos codificados en base64 en línea se ha aplicado. La primera iteración de una interfaz gráfica de usuario para las propiedades de RenderMan se ha añadido. La primera iteración de interfaz gráfica de usuario para agregar propiedades de usuario a los objetos ha sido añadido. Shaders de superficie ahora tienen un botón de vista previa que previstas shaders en un cilindro. Más correcciones herramienta Mover se han escrito, incluida la reutilización de filtros y fuera de la urdimbre del ratón en pantalla. Spin sentir botón ha sido mejorado, y las entradas se centran ungrab en la validación. Code:: Blocks proyecto ha sido mejorado. Broken polígono Python-scripts de creación han sido corregidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Loading of base64-encoded inline files has been
implemented. The first iteration of a GUI for
RenderMan properties has been added. The
first-iteration GUI for adding user properties to
objects has been added. Surface shaders now have a
preview button that previews shaders on a
cylinder. More Move tool fixes have been written,
including filter reuse and off-screen mouse warp.
Spin button feel has been improved, and entries
ungrab focus on validation. Code::Blocks project
has been improved. Broken Python polygon-creation
scripts have been fixed.

Project Resources