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Descripción del Proyecto

The NNGS (No Name Go Server) is a full-featured server which allows you to play
the game of Go over the Internet. It runs on Unix machines as well as on
Windows, and supports connections from many clients (both graphical and text
based). The code is based on the Free Internet Chess Server (FICS) code, and
currently only supports the game of Go.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-08-05 08:15

Este comunicado tiene un montón de limpieza de código y pruebas para garantizar una mejor estabilidad. Es compatible con la biblioteca de la última calificación mlrate (1.1.0).
Tags: Code cleanup
This release has a lot of code cleanup and testing to ensure better stability. It is compatible with the latest mlrate rating library (1.1.0).

2001-12-12 19:39

Cambios menores y correcciones de errores de compilación. El lib mlrate fue actualizado para trabajar con nuevos autoconf / make.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Minor compilation changes and bugfixes. The mlrate lib was updated to work with new autoconf/make.

2001-10-10 13:15

Fuente se ha actualizado para autoconf 1,5 2.52/automake. Incluir archivo de control en scripts de configuración se ha mejorado y el sistema incluye estaban envueltos en `# ifdef para mayor portabilidad.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Source was updated to autoconf 2.52/automake 1.5. Include file checking in configure scripts was improved and system includes were wrapped in `#ifdef's for increased portability.

2001-10-08 21:47

NOGUEST y características RESTRICTED_REGISTRATION se han añadido. Unos pocos-salvo los errores al cargar juego y otros errores de menor importancia eran fijos.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
NOGUEST and RESTRICTED_REGISTRATION features were added. A few saved-game
loading bugs and other minor bugs were fixed.

2001-07-18 19:37

Este comunicado incluye algunas correcciones sistema administrativo de ayuda, reducciones de error del compilador de mensaje, y limpieza general.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release includes some administrative help system fixes, compiler error message reductions, and general cleanups.

Project Resources