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Descripción del Proyecto

Poppler is a PDF rendering library derived from xpdf. It has been enhanced to utilize modern libraries, and new features have been added. It also provides basic command line utilities.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-28 06:02 Back to release list

Se mejoró la salida PostScript creada por PSOutputDev. Se han solucionado varios errores de CairoOutputDev. pdftocairo ahora vacía y cierra archivos correctamente hechos cuando utilizarlos. Se realizaron otras correcciones.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
The PostScript output created by PSOutputDev was improved. Several CairoOutputDev bugs were fixed. pdftocairo now flushes and closes files properly when done using them. Other fixes were made.

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