Project Description

Submin provides a Web-based admin interface to your Subversion and Git repositories. Its features include user/group management, path permission management, the ability to create svn repositories and managing commit email messages. For Subversion, authentication is done with htpasswd/svn authz, so it can use the same login information as apache2/svn (and trac). For Git, ssh is used, and the login information is synched whenever a change is made. The Web interface can also work with NGINX/uWSGI, but the Subversion part only works with Apache.

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CentOS5.5へのインストール方法 事前準備# yum install httpd # yum install python-devel # yum install neon-devel # yum install mod_dav_svn # yum install pysvn submin1.x(安定板)のダウンロード# wget ht... Show How to Install

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