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Descripción del Proyecto

GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content. TeXmacs can also be used as an interface to many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, and statistics. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using Scheme.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-17 11:14 Back to release list

Esta versión incorpora soporte para factores arbitrarios zoom, ajuste el ancho de la pantalla, un widget especial para las preferencias del usuario, nuevas herramientas para desarrolladores y varias mejoras menores para las conversiones a y de látex.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds support for arbitrary zoom factors,
fitting to the width of the screen,
a special widget for user preferences,
new tools for developers,
and several minor improvements for conversions to and from LaTeX.

Project Resources