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Descripción del Proyecto

Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-06 23:39 Back to release list
3.0 RC2

Este lanzamiento está lleno de cosas nuevas. La característica Organizar fue revisado por completo. Se realizaron grandes mejoras a la API REST para permitir el acceso de aplicaciones de escritorio y admite la incrustación en su sitio. Tematización de apoyo para las páginas de error se ha mejorado. Las porciones de ajuste y el acabado se añadió en la interfaz de usuario. La calidad y estabilidad de la Galería 2 del importador se ha mejorado.
Tags: RC 3
This release candidate is packed with new things. The Organize feature was completely overhauled. Considerable improvements were made to the REST API to allow access from desktop applications and support embedding into your site. Theming support for error pages was improved. Lots of fit and finish was added in the UI. The quality and stability of the Gallery 2 Importer was improved.

Project Resources