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Descripción del Proyecto

Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy.

System Requirements

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2010-10-06 00:35 Back to release list

Muchos de los lugares pequeños donde el "Dang" de la página se muestra fueron corregidos. El rendimiento de mover / eliminar varios elementos a la vez que se ha mejorado. El módulo de comunicación se ha mejorado para reducir el spam y la notificación para enviar notificaciones individuales. Pequeñas mejoras se hicieron a la función de organizar. apoyo JSONP fue agregado para el descanso. Apoyo en las instalaciones de la Galería totalmente privada se ha mejorado. El formato de dirección URL de etiquetas es ahora "/ tag / {nombre}" para SEO. Eliminar / expiración comentarios de spam se ha fijado.
Tags: ga
Lots of little places where the "Dang" page would be shown were fixed. The performance of moving/deleting many items at once was improved. The notification module was improved to reduce notification spam and to send individual notifications. Minor improvements were made to the Organize feature. JSONP support was added for REST. Support for totally private Gallery installs was improved. The tag URL format is now "/tag/{name}" for SEO. Delete/spam comment expiration was fixed.

Project Resources