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Descripción del Proyecto

todoyu is a powerful project and task management system. The core features are project handling, time tracking, time sheets, resource management, calendar, customizable reporting, keeping track of communication and decisions, invoicing directly from tracked time, and address management of customers and employees. It improves billing accuracy and timeliness, and removes risk from the billing process. A todoyu customer's clients get visibility into the project work done on their behalf. The system is extensible with additional modules. The system is completely Web based and translated in 12 languages.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-15 07:47 Back to release list

Esta versión contiene muchas correcciones de errores, pequeñas mejoras (principalmente adaptaciones de CSS para distintos navegadores) y dos extensiones mejoradas. Arrastrar y colocar se han implementado para facilitar el proyecto y el manejo de la tarea. De esta forma, puede organizar más rápidamente las tareas. Trabajar con grandes conjuntos de datos se producirá automáticamente listas mucho, mucho. Las nuevas posibilidades de clasificación permiten ordenar las listas de la forma que desee.
Tags: project, search, Bug fixes, CSS
This version contains lots of bugfixes, small improvements (mainly CSS adaptations for different browsers) and two enhanced extensions. Drag and drop have been implemented to ease the project and task handling. This way, you can more quickly arrange your tasks. Working with larger data sets will automatically result in long, long lists. The new sorting possibilities will allow you to sort your lists the way you want.

Project Resources