Ticket List (3 matches)

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  • ComponenteEqual: GCC
  • PropietarioEqual: keith
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IDAbrir FechaÚltima actualizaciónResumenPropietarioInformadorTipoHitoComponentePrioridadGravedadEstadoResoluciónTotal vote countPositive vote countNegative vote countVote scorePositive vote rationNegative vote ration
410702020-12-24 02:282021-03-08 01:28Please include libgccjit with MinGW GCC distributionkeithelizFeature RequestGCC5 - Medium5 - MediumOpenNinguno00000.0%0.0%
396392019-10-06 02:582019-10-14 02:38no iconv implementationkeithzhangboyangIssuesGCC5 - Medium5 - MediumCerradoFixed00000.0%0.0%
410992021-01-04 01:032021-01-04 01:57GCC-9.2.0 Build System Neglects to Provide Ada-DLL Import LibrarieskeithkeithIssuesGCC1 - Lowest5 - MediumCerradoFixed00000.0%0.0%