[OpenTween-git] [SCM] open-tween (opentween) branch, master, updated. OpenTween_v1.2.0-8-g21116dd

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upsil****@users***** upsil****@users*****
2014年 5月 24日 (土) 16:43:56 JST

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to "open-tween" repository
containing the "opentween" project.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  21116ddf8c6d84c68ed6812bfa83760a955c5e25 (commit)
       via  760fe1add6a9c23ce1e92bfcd8ddb53ade60cca7 (commit)
       via  8bc947e1f9a38f4aa7accbd58c4e8bb8cc0bc0af (commit)
       via  fa1e5a89b602e5e8ec54229e7014e9672247f5a1 (commit)
      from  c41d4461d1b6b7f6bbde9cb90df5adce53e39eb0 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 21116ddf8c6d84c68ed6812bfa83760a955c5e25
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sat May 24 16:40:54 2014 +0900

    app.configに supportedRuntime の指定を追加
    .NET Framework 4.5 以降での動作をサポートしていることを明示するため。
    参照: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/jj152935%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

commit 760fe1add6a9c23ce1e92bfcd8ddb53ade60cca7
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sat May 24 13:17:29 2014 +0900

    クエリの構築に HttpUtility.ParseQueryString() を使用している箇所を MyCommon.BuildQueryString() に置き換え  (thx @KishSoup!)
    HttpUtility.ParseQueryString() を使用してクエリを構築した場合に、
    参照: https://twitter.com/KishSoup/status/468058259950026752

commit 8bc947e1f9a38f4aa7accbd58c4e8bb8cc0bc0af
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sat May 24 11:36:27 2014 +0900

    HttpConnection.CreateQueryString をMyCommonクラスに移動
    HttpConnection クラスを使用しない HttpClient 等でのリクエストにも利用できる状態にするため

commit fa1e5a89b602e5e8ec54229e7014e9672247f5a1
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sat May 24 01:04:47 2014 +0900

    ChangeLog æ›´æ–°
    c41d4461d1b6b7f6bbde9cb90df5adce53e39eb0 での変更を反映


Summary of changes:
 OpenTween/Bing.cs                                 |   13 ++++--
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpConnection.cs            |   42 +--------------------
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpConnectionOAuth.cs       |    2 +-
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpOAuthApiProxy.cs         |    2 +-
 OpenTween/MyCommon.cs                             |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++
 OpenTween/OpenTween.csproj                        |    1 +
 OpenTween/Resources/ChangeLog.txt                 |    2 +
 OpenTween/ShortUrl.cs                             |   30 +++++++++------
 OpenTween/Thumbnail/Services/FoursquareCheckin.cs |   13 ++++--
 OpenTween/Thumbnail/Services/Tinami.cs            |   10 +++--
 OpenTween/app.config                              |    6 +++
 11 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 OpenTween/app.config

open-tween (opentween)

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