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mem: Resumen Repositorio

supermemo-like program for item memorising

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6ec75ff9caa1 2019-07-26 04:05:24 PJ tip gtk/mingw/Makefile: paths updated
c1c1682cad83 2019-07-25 16:32:59 PJ_WORK common/Item.h: a-circumflex letter
4149af714145 2018-05-10 04:50:53 PJ gtk/mingw/Makefile
2ca25bdbace9 2018-05-10 04:16:31 PJ gtk/linux/Makefile; Item.h,file.cc: istream status check ...
3b1b294caa18 2017-07-30 17:55:42 PJ Item.h: find with UTF8 chars
0d6d146ab667 2016-02-29 05:55:50 PJ updated to gcc 4.9.2
ae251ecbb0c5 2014-06-10 04:43:28 PJ scripts: sort + unlearn
8ab63e4941cc 2013-07-06 16:11:54 PJ refresh bookmarks in gtk_recent_manager
39e6c0adb0f3 2013-06-30 15:29:38 PJ Item: randomise maxInterval
0643120c45c9 2012-06-30 05:02:42 PJ find str @ start

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tip 6ec75ff9caa1 2019-07-26 04:05:24 PJ


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default 6ec75ff9caa1 2019-07-26 04:05:24 PJ gtk/mingw/Makefile: paths u...

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