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Yet another shell (yash) is a POSIX-compliant command line shell, featuring more strict POSIX compliance than those of other shells, as well as powerful command line editing.

System Requirements

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Publicado: 2009-07-18 17:51
yash 2.12 (2 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

Yet another shell (yash), version 2.12.

This version features the new Emacs-like line-editing. Also includes some big fixes and other modifications.

Yet another shell (yash) バージョン 2.12 です。

このバージョンでは emacs 風行編集が追加されました。またいくつかのバグ修正と機能変更が行われました。


Yash 2.12

+ Emacs-like line-editing.
+ "bindkey" builtin.
+ The $PROMPT_COMMAND variable now can be an array.
+ The value of the $YASH_AFTER_CD variable is now executed after the working directory was changed.
= The "fg" and "bg" builtin now always sends SIGCONT to the continued job.
= The "exit" builtin now warns about stopped jobs even when executed after the "fg", "bg", "disown" or "wait" builtin.
* In vi-like line-editing, the wrong text was put after 30th yank.
* In vi-like line-editing, the "s" command cannot be used if the cursor is at the beginning of line

Yash 2.12

+ Emacs 風行編集
+ "bindkey" 組込み
+ $PROMPT_COMMAND は配列でもよいように
+ 作業ディレクトリ変更後に $YASH_AFTER_CD を実行するように
= "fg", "bg" 組込みは常に SIGCONT を対象ジョブに送信するように
= "fg", "bg", "disown", "wait" 組込みの後で "exit" しようとしたときも停止中のジョブに関する警告を出すように
* vi 風行編集で、30 回目の yank の後誤ったテキストが put されていた
* vi 風行編集で、カーソルが行頭にあると "s" コマンドが使えなかった