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Rev. Tiempo Autor
c32bbd3 2021-12-30 11:27:31 matsuand

ghostscript 9.55.0: Appropriately add link page lines in translation_list.

89f5795 2021-12-30 10:45:09 matsuand

ghostscript 9.55.0: Reserve to translate.

0bf42e0 2021-12-30 10:28:59 matsuand

kmod 29: Cancel translation reservation.

e1f5cbe 2021-12-30 10:08:24 matsuand

nginx 1.21.5: Cancel translation reservation.

c42848b 2021-12-30 09:54:47 matsuand

nginx 1.21.5: Reserve to translate.

36e0da9 2021-12-23 13:40:05 matsuand

meson 0.60.3: Cancel reservation.

42e7a96 2021-12-23 08:56:41 matsuand

meson 0.60.3: Reserve to translate

2847523 2021-12-16 09:13:44 matsuand

kmod 29: Reserve to translate

645e85d 2021-12-16 09:05:49 matsuand

freetype 2.11.1: Cancel reservation.

8d707a5 2021-12-15 13:47:18 Akihiro Motoki

diffutils, gzip, bzip2: Reservation for proof reading

7a3afd7 2021-12-15 08:57:43 Akihiro Motoki

bzip2: Drop original/man1/bzexe.1

commit 631c5e4976c5c99fc29eda115fe110b5739ce3fb dropped bzexe.1
from JM deliverables, but it forgot to drop original/man1/bzexe.1.

a86f31b 2021-12-10 11:55:15 matsuand

freetype 2.11.1: Reserve to translate

a6e0069 2021-12-09 20:46:14 matsuand

GNU gsl 2.7.1: Correct misplaced file.

7b638dd 2021-12-09 20:13:00 matsuand

GNU gsl 2.7.1: Cancel reservation.

7cc98d0 2021-12-09 20:02:08 matsuand

GNU gsl 2.7.1: Reserve to translate.

631c5e4 2021-12-09 10:48:25 Akihiro Motoki

bzip2: Drop bzexe.1 from JM deliverables

bzexe.1 is specific to Debian variants.
We honor man-pages included in the upstream releases.
See discussions in a linuxjm-discuss mail thread[1].

The last released version of bzexe.1 is moved to
obsolete/man1 per our convention.

[1] https://ja.osdn.net/projects/linuxjm/lists/archive/discuss/2021-November/thread.html#3083

19339fb 2021-12-09 09:33:58 Akihiro Motoki

Add GNU_diffutils to package list

GNU diffutils does not appear in the progress page [1].
This seems to happen as GNU_diffutils is not included in
the package list in www/INDEX.

diffutils is also added to dist/script/pkgs.list.

[1] http://linuxjm.osdn.jp/INDEX/progress.html

5b4018f 2021-11-28 12:13:30 matsuand

sqlite 3.37.0: Cancel reservation.

71bdf22 2021-11-28 11:58:24 matsuand

sqlite 3.37.0: Reserve to translate.

3dc087f 2021-11-27 16:56:45 matsuand

psmisc 23.4: Cancel reservation. Commit the sources so far.

b309094 2021-11-27 14:07:40 matsuand

meson 0.60.2: Cancel reservation. Commit the sources so far.

8fcda85 2021-11-27 12:41:16 matsuand

meson 0.60.2: Reserve to translate.

34d58ad 2021-11-25 17:40:52 matsuand

dblatex 0.3.12: Add sources.

4476b54 2021-11-24 15:10:09 matsuand

bzip2 1.0.8: Update sources.

41e2ead 2021-11-21 14:05:59 matsuand

util-linux 2.37.2 (man3): Update sources.

2374b22 2021-11-21 13:21:39 matsuand

GNU diffutils 3.8: Update sources.

c265965 2021-11-19 19:36:40 matsuand

xz 5.2.5: Update sources.

e5bae7e 2021-11-19 18:11:45 matsuand

subversion 1.14.1: Update sources.

8e4db98 2021-11-17 17:06:06 matsuand

sqlite 3.36.0: Update sources.

0569af0 2021-11-17 15:01:49 matsuand

nginx 1.21.4: Update sources.