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[Hg] commits were pushed to 'StX_launch' (current: 26a39abdefaa33b520f70613bb96959ddfb64021)
The init of the stx launcher (will be renamed later on) The key features: Logging into a log fi...
[Project Settings] Permissions for tukan have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tukan have been change
[Hg] New repository 'StX_launch' has been created
[Project Settings] Project is approved
[Project Settings] Create new Project application
[Hg] commits were pushed to 'SublimeText3_StX_highlighting' (current: be8e447f67adfc9cc2f439f8b22c25e9402b73b2)
version 0.0.1 sublimetext Smalltalk highlighting - The init version Smalltalk/X mod + YAML style
[Project Settings] Permissions for tukan have been change
[Project Settings] Permissions for tukan have been change
[Project Settings] Public Info change
[Project Settings] Subversion has been changed to Disabled
[Hg] The configurations for repository 'Sublime_SmalltalkX_highlighting' have been updated
[Hg] New repository 'SublimeText3_StX_highlighting' has been created
[Project Settings] Project is approved
[Project Settings] Create new Project application