a before-save hook in easypg? (2009-02-18 20:14 by melagin #41966)
Dear developers,
I am using easypg to encrypt my diary. I edit the diary in the longlines-mode so no hard newlines are inserted. However, after saving the file and loading it back hard newlines appear where they are not supposed to.
I think the way to go is to disable line wrapping by the longlines mode just before saving and reenable it back afterwards. However, I failed to find a suitable hook in easypg. Is there one?
If not, I think it would be great to have one in the next version :)
Thanks in advance
RE: a before-save hook in easypg? (2009-02-18 21:53 by melagin #41970)
well, I decided to scratch my own itch. Here is the patch against epg 0.0.16