Christoper Lockwood
2006年 9月 11日 (月) 05:30:20 JST
Trading Alert for FALCON ENERGY INC (FCYI)!! An independent resource exploration and production company whose current projects range from the production of natural gas and oil in Alberta to the exploration for minerals such as copper and gold in Mongolia. A major PR campaign is under way!! Some very Explosive Gains are Expected!! Current Price: 0.20 Act Quick and Trade out the Top!! Current news for the company Falcon Energy, Inc. (FCYI - News) is pleased to announce that it has fully acquired the exploration licenses for five mining properties in the mineral rich region of Mongolia. Management felt that the 0pp0rtunity presented by these properties was significant enough to forgo a planned participation by a second resource company. These licenses will be held for a minimum of three years and grant Falcon Energy Inc. access to the mineral rights for the licensed properties. Mongolia has a wide variety of mineral resources. As of 1998, about 88% of the country had been geologically mapped but only 20% of the country's landmass had been licensed for exploration and exploitation. Falcon Energy's interest in the region is driven in part by the anticipation of deploying modern prospecting methods to an area that abounds in both base and precious metals. Exploitable mineral resources found in the area in which the licenses are held include: Gold, base metals such as Copper, Molybdenum, Lead and Zinc as well as Fluorite and Uranium. We all know it's the big announcements thak make these gems move. We believe the time to get it is now. Watch this one go Higher and Higher!! Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is FCYI Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade tomorrow! Go FCYI. Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject to