Foros: Forum (en) (Thread #19076)

How to define the field VALUE of th (2008-06-18 05:57 by Anónimo #37243)


I'm using Amrita to build a FORM with some "<INPUT ...>" fields, I
don't know how to define
an identifier for the default value of this input, the field "value".

The following line don't woks :

< INPUT type="text" value= id=my_value />

With my browser, I can obtain in the field :
- an empty field;
- an empty field plus a text field (the value of 'my_value';
- 'id=my_value' ....

Someone can help me ?


Have a good day.


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My Question about (2008-10-06 09:30 by Anónimo #39149)

How i may contact admin this site? I have a question.
Responder al #37243

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You can not use Wiki syntax
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Your Forum is really wonderful (2008-10-27 02:45 by Anónimo #39554)

Your Web Site is really wonderful and I bookmarked it. Thank your for the hard work you must have put in to create this wonderful facility. Keep up the excellent work!
Responder al #37243

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You can not use Wiki syntax
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