Foros: Open Discussion (Thread #29249)

Order of Kanjis (2011-05-06 16:25 by xtofu80 #57236)

I am using Anthy with IBUS on Ubuntu 11.04.
What bothers me that in contrast to other input methods such as Windows input or Google input,
the Kanji suggestions in Anthy are not sorted according to likelihood.
For example, when typing くに, the most probable Kanji would be 国。
However, anthy suggests 区に by default, and only after I choose 国, this Kanji will move to the front.
I am often surprised by the suggestions made by anthy ("I didn't even know this word before!"),
because it suggests words which are so rarely used that I have not seen them before.
Why is the order in anthy worse than in the other methods mentioned above, and can we do anthing to improve it?