[Canna-cvs 835] CVS update: canna/lib/RKC

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2003年 9月 23日 (火) 18:10:14 JST

Date:	Tuesday September 23, 2003 @ 18:10
Author:	aida_s

Update of /cvsroot/canna/canna/lib/RKC
In directory sf-cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv16000/lib/RKC

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix RKC ABI problem.

RkcGetServerFD and RkcConnectIrohaServer were renamed by
sglobal.h, but their renamed names changed every time globnames

Now we export these functions in original names and renamed names
in 3.5/3.6. Cannastat and cshost in 3.5/3.6 work fine with new
3.7devel3 library, but these commands in older 3.7 fail to work.

For change of native ABI we bump patchlevel and minor version of
shared libraries.

* lib/RKC/rkc.c(G070_RkcGetServerFD): add for 3.5/3.6 compatibility
  (G069_RkcConnectIrohaSrever): ditto
* cmd/cannastat/cannastat.c: don't include sglobal.h
* cmd/cshost/cshost.c: ditto
* canna/patchlevel.h: bump to 3.7devel3
* Canna.conf.dist(cannaDsoRev): bump to 1.2

File: no file rkc.c		Status: Needs Checkout

   Working revision:	1.11	Tue Sep 23 09:10:14 2003
   Repository revision:	1.11	/cvsroot/canna/canna/lib/RKC/rkc.c,v

   Existing Tags:
	release_3_6_p4           	(revision:
	after_win_removal        	(revision: 1.8)
	before_win_removal       	(revision: 1.7)
	RELBR_3_6                	(branch: 1.2.2)
	after_autoconf           	(revision: 1.4)
	before_autoconf          	(revision: 1.4)
	release_3_6_p3           	(revision: 1.2)
	release_3_6_p2           	(revision: 1.2)
	after_new_wchar          	(revision: 1.4)
	before_new_wchar         	(revision: 1.2)
	after_cvsignore          	(revision: 1.2)
	before_cvsignore         	(revision: 1.2)
	release_3_6_p1           	(revision: 1.2)
	relbr_3_bp               	(revision: 1.2)
	release_3_6              	(revision: 1.2)
	after_fujieda_patches    	(revision:
	orig_35b2                	(revision:
	NEC_CORP                 	(branch: 1.1.1)

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