was Luzader
2007年 8月 15日 (水) 07:02:43 JST
T-h.i-s W,E*E_K i_t_s CYTV-!!! G e t on C,Y_T V F'irst Th ing, i't_'_s goin.g to exploa,d! C*ompan y: CHIN-A YO'UTV C,O*R P ( O*T-C B_B : CYTV*.OB) Symbo+l: C*Y T*V Monda-y Price.: $ 0+.*4'1 Curre+nt Price+: $.0_.'4,9 N*e'x t w.e+e*k price': $*0..,7*0 T,h e pric_e is at a minim*um it w_i+l-l b*o'o*m tomorrow!*+!! Recomm endati_on: "STRO' NG-BUY" starti_,ng on AUGU+ST 1*5-, 2-0-0-7,. Bre+aki,ng N,e'w*s : C'Y.T_V M,AKES M'AJOR ANNOUNCEM EN+TS: C hina YouT'V's CnB oo W+e b S,i t+e Ran*ks N_o*. 1 on Microso_f*t L*i v,e Se-arch En*gine Aggre.s,ive Tr,aders G.e't in ea,rly, t'h+i,s o_n*e c.a n f-l'i+p h.i_g+h ret.urns f_a.s.t*. T_h e L.o,r d C.hancello_r a'bsol*utely g+ rotesque, a.n-d m+a,d e m*o*r_e so by t*h,e t-reme ndous fig,ure of t h+e Serg,eant-at-Ar_ms w,i t'h a si.lver ch*ain a.n+d lar ge, whi'te s_i-l,k b-o w.s on h*i's should_-ers f*o_r mour-,ning. Ba+rely co'nscious+, B-lair didn+'t s+e*e t-h*e Kilrat-h i ca,rrier t-h*a.t edg_ed thr*ough t*h e w .hirling de-bris to'ward h*i's dri-ft'ing fighter-. T'h_i,s m+a+y n o*t be v'e,r+y maintai.nab_le if ex+pa nded to a larg+e in'terface-. T_h-e obj,ect sup_por'ts , a+n d h.a-s d'efault beha-viors_. Ka'rik a*n*d Valy a si_lentl_y gaze.d at o+n*e anoth er a+n_d gen,tly sigh.ed.