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Descripción del Proyecto

This collection is being superceeded by a) RetroArcade games; b) SliderPuzzles. Look for them soon...

CoTerminalApps is a collection of ascii-character games that run in a commandline terminal on msWindows, OS-X and Gnu/Linux.

Now with runtime-priority control of console terminal, in Windows.

They can also be rebuilt after installing the GNAT GPL Ada compiler.

Includes rpn(calculator), cinv(SpaceInvaders),cpac(Pacman), cfrog(Frogger) and 10 puzzle games that use ascii characters only: crush(rush-hour), cslid(klotski), c7(flat7), caz(flatAZ), csok(sokoban), chio(hole-in-one), chio4(hole-in-one+4), c9(nine), cdd(dirty-dozen), cpan(panama);

Keyboard setup is important. You should have a short key-delay and fast repeat rate setting.

Usable keys for all:

arrow-keys or WASD or IJKL for movement; (q)=quit (?)=help toggle

All puzzles & games can now be launched from the selector app thusly:

Windows: winterm.bat Mac/OSX: Linux:

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2022-09-26 11:12
coterminalapps v2.5.1 (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

**ver 2.5.1 -- 26sep2022**

* Simplified Win64 build; using new stand-alone GNU Ada compiler. * Removed Win32 build because embedded sokoban solvers need maximal memory. * Removed all gnatcoll libraries by compiling from source the tiny subset needed.


**ver 2.5.1 -- 26sep2022**

* Simplified Win64 build; using new stand-alone GNU Ada compiler. * Removed Win32 build because embedded sokoban solvers need maximal memory. * Removed all gnatcoll libraries by compiling from source the tiny subset needed.