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Status of open tickets

Hito: Active

Hito: Soon to be started

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2024-11-29 05:28
I did counters tab for Qt5 client. Problem was icon was not part of these ticket and I am rather programmer and did n...
2024-11-09 09:53
Unlike all the other predefined colors, ftc_changed is not marked 'const'. I don't think that's right, despite the na...
2024-10-31 14:15
If forking local server fails, other clients return to the main menu with a message telling that user needs to run se...
2024-10-27 15:07
This is likely something to happen in 2024. Opening ticket already to store the references. -- Equivalent ticket in 3...
2024-10-19 00:38
Based on reports by Dino The Dinosore in "Save" in client optio...

Opiniones del Proyecto

2022-02-25 02:49

Strong project with a lot of history.

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