Attack a land from a submarine
Sveinung: Is this an (unintentional) rule change since 2.6? How are 2.6 "AttackNonNative" / "Only_Native_Attack" flags supposed to be converted to 3.0?
Reply To cazfi
Sveinung: Is this an (unintentional) rule change since 2.6? How are 2.6 "AttackNonNative" / "Only_Native_Attack" flags supposed to be converted to 3.0?
It is still illegal. Looks like the lack of meta knowledge. Probably because AttackNonNative is implemented using (non obligatory) hard requirements and therefore not detected by the odds system.
Reply To kvilhaugsvik
Looks like the lack of meta knowledge. Probably because AttackNonNative is implemented using (non obligatory) hard requirements and therefore not detected by the odds system.
Detection added.
3.2 version detects it for "Wipe Units" too
I know that a submarine cannot attack a plot of land. When it try, freeciv beeps. But when a submarine try to attack a city, freeciv do not beep but show the odds to win. It must be change to a beep.