Default range for "Good" req should be a possible one
Less than 36h to beta3 release, it's not even theoretically possible that a fix would get submitted and pass review period before it (in practice we've not pushed anything in since Monday)
We define default ranges there, but apparently it's not possible for a ruleset author to rely on it. When one leaves range out from a requirement list:
1: In secfile_lookup_str() [../../../src/utility/registry_ini.c:2177]: secfile '../../src/data/civ2civ3/effects.ruleset' in section 'NULL': "effect_tile_bonus_good.reqs0.range" entry doesn't exist.
Brief code analysis of common/requirements.c shows a problem in req_from_str() function. We usually don't actually use default ranges, but if we have them, let them be possible. VUT_GOOD can not have local range, default one should be RANGE_CITY.