Incidencia #44715

Upon learning Bridge Building, the message should be that Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade every possible city with Bridge instead of with Road

Abrir Fecha: 2022-05-30 00:45 Última actualización: 2022-07-09 15:50

5 - Medium


Upon learning Bridge Building, the message should be that Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade every possible city with Bridge instead of with Road

Ticket History (3/5 Histories)

2022-05-30 00:45 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Upon learning Bridge Building, the message should be that Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade every possible city with Bridge instead of with Road" created
2022-05-30 02:06 Updated by: ihnatus

Probably not possible in released versions but why not unhardcode the message in newer one?

2022-05-30 02:27 Updated by: alienvalkyrie

Reply To ihnatus

Probably not possible in released versions but why not unhardcode the message in newer one?

The message is not hardcoded in any way relevant to this ticket – it's just that when an AutoOnCityCenter extra becomes possible in one or more cities (and it's just a single extra type, as opposed to multiple at once), its name gets filled into the "Workers gather" message. In this case, the name of the extra is "Road"; there is no separate "Bridge" extra. (As such, I'd class this less as "bug" and more as "feature request".)

IMO, introducing a separate extra type "Bridge" to supplied rulesets is not viable, and changing the message to say something else instead of the extra name is not sensible. It would be conceivable to either (a) add more different forms of this message for different ways in which previously unavailable infrastructure becomes available, or (b) introduce a feature for the same extra type to have alternate names in different contexts (so that Road with River could be called Bridge, while still being the same extra type), and for server/maphand.c:upgrade_all_city_extras() to be aware of this – both of these ideas feel like a lot of effort for something comparatively small, and the alternate names thing could even end up being more confusing in most places.

2022-07-09 12:25 Updated by: None

Maybe just remove the message altogether (because as far as I know, cities built on top of rivers automatically have a road connection even before researching the bridge building tech, unless that itself is a bug

2022-07-09 15:50 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To (Anonymous)

cities built on top of rivers automatically have a road connection even before researching the bridge building tech

That depends on the ruleset.

Are you saying that you get the message even in such a situation where all your cities already had roads beforehand? That would be the bug.

Which ruleset? Do you have a savegame from which this could be reproduced? (Ideally one where you're just about to discover Bridge Building on turn change, so that I could just press "Turn Done" to see the message to appear)

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