gtk2: repodlgs.c "dangling pointer to 'tech_name' may be used"
All gtk-clients are affected. Don't really know how the compiler gets warning like that out of it, but I noticed that the use of gtk_tree_model_get() in science_report_combo_get_active() (and callers) doesn't really comply with gtk documentation, but results in memory leak. Fixing that made also the compiler warning to go away.
S3_0 patch attached - may push this earlier than to other branches, to unblock 3.0.2 release.
Patches for the remaining branches attached. Will push S3_0 patch to S2_6 too.
Building S3_0 with gcc-12 and -O3 failed on gtk2-client repodlgs.c to several "dangling pointer to 'tech_name' may be used" -warnings.
I've not yet checked if other gtk-clients / other branches are affected.
Given that gcc-12 is stable already, I think we should postpone 3.0.2 release for this (especially if other gtk-clients are affected)