Ruledit manpage in invalid section 21
My suggestion for the fix (attached) is slightly different than Debian's. The main principle here was to unify the header with other freeciv man pages (except freeciv-manual, we may later want to change that one too?)
- No quotation marks around the section *number*
- The date field includes the day number. It seems that the original confusion was with that; the date number had been placed to section number field
- Drop fourth and fifth parameter
Applies also to S2_6
The patch 0057-Man-Correct-section-of-freeciv-ruledit-page.patch applied does not create any warnings when building the manpage and it opens up fine, so I guess your patch is ok.
Noticed on debian downstream patch page has been marked to be in man pages section 21. While the legal section numbers are 1 - 9.