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Descripción del Proyecto

Catch the Furball is an icebreaker board game intended for friends to play around a computer. It features a freshly-generated board for each game, an eclectic collection of cards, and beautiful pictures of Cambridge University. The distribution is intended both to allow Web masters to quickly set up their own copy of the game, and to allow tinkerers to use the game engine to make their own games. It includes the editor used to create game data.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-03-26 23:58

La aplicación de navegación HTML se ha fijado para que los usuarios de IE sería capaz de moverse entre las habitaciones en lugar de ser inmóvil. Además se hicieron arreglos para que el script se comporta correctamente en casos especiales.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
The HTML implementation of navigation was fixed so that IE users would be able to move around between rooms instead of being immobile. Further fixes were made so that the script behaves properly in special cases.

2003-03-16 13:11

En esta versión, el HTML se ha adaptado de manera que las páginas de visualización atractiva en las versiones actuales de Netscape, Mozilla, y el IE, mientras que sigue mostrando decentemente en versiones anteriores.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
In this version, the HTML was adapted so that pages display attractively in current versions of Netscape, Mozilla, and IE, while still displaying decently in prior versions.

2003-03-10 01:04

Se hicieron mejoras de usabilidad, incluyendo un tamaño de fuente más grande para facilitar su juego. Obsoleto HTML fue eliminado en favor de la CSS. Escuchar cuestiones fueron abordadas por la adición del movimiento browniano para el cuerpo a cuerpo. Juego de texto se ha mejorado. La imagen de apertura fue modificado. Errores menores y los errores fueron corregidos. Esta es la primera versión estable.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
Usability enhancements were made, including a larger font size for easier play. Deprecated HTML was removed in favor of CSS. Play issues were addressed by adding brownian motion to the furball. Game text was improved. The opening image was tweaked. Minor bugs and data errors were corrected. This is the first stable release.

2003-03-01 17:51

Tags: Development, Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources