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Descripción del Proyecto

DAE Tools is cross-platform equation-oriented process modelling, simulation, and optimization software. Various types of processes (lumped or distributed, steady-state or dynamic) can be modelled and optimized. They may range from very simple to those which require complex operating procedures. Equations can be ordinary or discontinuous, where discontinuities are automatically handled by the framework. Model reports containing all information about a model can be exported in XML MathML format, automatically creating high-quality documentation. The simulation results can be visualized, plotted, and/or exported into various formats.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-30 06:20

Esta versión tiene un nuevo tipo de puertos (evento puertos) y una nueva función (ON_EVENT) en la clase daeModel que especifica cómo se controlan los eventos entrantes en el puerto de un evento específico. Una nueva manera de manejar las transiciones de Estado: la función ON_CONDITION en daeModel que especifica acciones que deben llevarse a cabo cuando se cumple la condición lógica. Minimización cuadrado no lineales menos (el contenedor Spicy de Minpack). Ejemplos de herramientas de DAE y Spicy interoperabilidad (scipy.optimize). Secuencias de comandos de shell para compilar módulos DAE herramientas y bibliotecas de terceros. Tutoriales están disponibles en C++ (cDAE). Varias pequeñas correcciones de errores y mejoras.
Tags: event ports, Nonlinear least square minimization
This release has a new type of ports (Event ports) and a new function (ON_EVENT) in the daeModel class that specifies how the incoming events on a specific event port are handled. A new way of handling state transitions: the function ON_CONDITION in daeModel that specifies actions to be undertaken when the logical condition is satisfied. Non-linear least square minimization (the scipy wrapper of Minpack). Examples of DAE Tools and Scipy interoperability (scipy.optimize). Shell scripts to compile third party libraries and DAE Tools modules. Tutorials are available in C++ (cDAE). Several small bugfixes and enhancements.

2011-06-25 16:54

Nueva resolver lineales se han añadido: SuperLU_MT independiente (multiproceso escasa directa), Trilinos AztecOO (iterativo Krylov; Ifpack, ML, o incorporado en precondicionadores), y NVIDIA CUDA habilitado (experimental): CUSP (iterativo Krylov), SuperLU_CUDA (escasa directo) . Nueva resolver la PNL se han añadido: NLOPT (del Massachusetts Institute of Technology) y un solucionador de IPOPT independiente. Ahora, los modelos pueden ser exportados a pyDAE y CDAE. Un nuevo reportero de las exportaciones de los datos de resultados en el formato de archivo Matlab MAT.
New linear solvers were added: Standalone SuperLU_MT (multithreaded sparse direct), Trilinos AztecOO (iterative Krylov; Ifpack, ML, or built-in preconditioners), and NVidia CUDA enabled (experimental): CUSP (iterative Krylov), SuperLU_CUDA (sparse direct). New NLP solvers were added: NLOPT (from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and a Standalone IPOPT solver. Models can now be exported to pyDAE and cDAE. A new data reporter exports results in the Matlab MAT file format.

2011-04-01 17:56

Optimización del estado de equilibrio y los procesos dinámicos (IPOPT / Bonmin) se llevó a cabo. Varias características nuevas se han añadido. Errores fueron corregidos.
Tags: Optimization capabilities
Optimization of steady-state and dynamic processes (IPOPT/Bonmin) was implemented. Several new features were added. Bugs were fixed.

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