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Descripción del Proyecto

htmLawed is a PHP script that makes input text more secure, HTML standards-compliant, and suitable in general from the viewpoint of a Web-page administrator, for use in the body of HTML 4 or XHTML 1 or 1.1 documents. It is a customizable HTML/XHTML filter, processor, purifier, and sanitizer. It can ensure that HTML tags are balanced and properly nested tags, neutralize code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and limit the allowed HTML elements, tags, attributes, or URL protocols.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-02-04 19:35

La lógica se ha modificado para atrapar dinámica con la sintaxis de las expresiones CSS válido que pueda poner ejecutados por el navegador Internet Explorer.
Tags: Minor security fixes
The logic was altered to catch dynamic CSS
expressions with invalid syntax that might get
executed by the IE browser.

2009-02-01 17:17

La eficacia de una expresión regular de manejo dinámico expresiones CSS fue mejorado.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The efficacy of a regular expression handling
dynamic CSS expressions was improved.

2009-01-29 19:16

La lógica se ha mejorado para capturar creado de manera malintencionada expresiones CSS.
Tags: Minor security fixes
Logic was improved to catch maliciously crafted CSS expressions.

2009-01-28 18:09

Coincidencia de patrones se ha mejorado para coger mal escrito dinámica expresiones CSS que, sin embargo se ejecutan en el navegador IE7.
Tags: Minor security fixes
Pattern matching was improved to catch ill-written
dynamic CSS expressions that nevertheless get
executed by the IE7 browser.

2009-01-23 17:40

Esta versión corrige un error que causaba interpretación errónea de la fuente de la "cara" atributo de la fuente del "" elemento de transformación durante la etiqueta cuando el valor del atributo tenía un carácter de espacio en su interior.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes a bug that caused misreading of
the "font-face" attribute of the "font" element
during tag transformation when the attribute value
had a space character within.

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