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Descripción del Proyecto

KMapIME is a Java-based input method engine (IME).
It enables the input of Unicode text regardless of
keyboard layout. By using data from Yudit and
Simredo, it currently supports over 150 different
languages and scripts.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-11-30 20:56

Soporte para archivos *. kmp Simredo ha sido añadido. Un recurso de interfaz amigable Express ha sido añadido.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Support for Simredo's *.kmp files has been added. A resource-friendly Express interface has been added.

2003-11-25 13:25

La interfaz gráfica ha sido completamente reescrito, y así muchos problemas de fuentes fijas. Ahora hay soporte para archivos *. kmp Simredo's.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The GUI has been completely rewritten, and thus many
font problems were fixed. There is now support for
Simredo's *.kmp files.

2003-11-19 20:09

Este comunicado tiene el apoyo directo de alta caracteres suplentes Unicode. Soporte de entrada se ha añadido para Azerbaiyán, Bambara, el bislama, buhid, Chamorro, chichewa, Cornish, chipriota, Deseret, Dinka, frisón, Fula, gótico, de Groenlandia, hanunoo, hausa, ibo, kurdo, Madagascar, Malta, Islas Marshall, reto - Romance, Sami, de Samoa, sorabo, tagalo, Tagbanwa, tswana, turcomanos, Ulithian, ugarítico, Venta, Wallon, wolof, y Yap.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release has direct support for high surrogate Unicode characters. Input support has been added for Azerbaijani, Bambara, Bislama, Buhid, Chamorro, Chichewa, Cornish, Cypriot, Deseret, Dinka, Frisian, Fula, Gothic, Greenlandic, Hanunoo, Hausa, Ibo, Kurdish, Malagasy, Maltese, Marshallese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami, Samoan, Sorbian, Tagalog, Tagbanwa, Tswana, Turkmen, Ulithian, Ugaritic, Venda, Wallon, Wolof, and Yapese.

2003-11-10 21:43

Una primera pequeña interfaz de usuario ha sido añadido. Se ha añadido soporte para los aymara, el bretón, Comanche, catalán, cimbrios, Estonia, Islas Feroe, Finlandia, Islandic, Hawaiin, letón, los maoríes, el náhuatl, Navajo, el occitano, Ogham, y Piemontese. Un usuario alemán manual ha sido escrito.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
An initial tiny user interface has been added. Support has been added for Aymara, Breton, Comanche, Catalan, Cimbri, Estonian, Faroes, Finnish, Islandic, Hawaiin, Latvian, Maori, Nahuatl, Navajo, Occitan, Ogham, and Piemontese. A German user manual has been written.

2003-10-29 09:39

La documentación de usuario final ha sido completamente reescrito. Código ha sido limpiado y parcialmente reorganizada. La conversión de archivos están al día con la edición Yudit actual.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The end user documentation has been completely rewritten. Code has been cleaned up and partially reorganized. Conversion files are now up to date with the current Yudit edition.

Project Resources