leakbug is a small, simple library intended to show
where memory leaks are occuring within a program.
It does not report leaks due to incorrect use of
another library - all reported leaks are leaks found
within the program itself.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Añadido soporte para dar salida a un archivo de registro a través de la variable de entorno LB_LOGFILE, y reestructurado algunos de los internos a ser más coherente.
Development, Minor feature enhancements
Added support for outputting to a log file through the LB_LOGFILE environment variable, and restructured some of the internals to be more consistent.
Correcciones para arroja violaciones de segmento como consecuencia del registro de 0 bytes de memoria o registro de punteros NULL, y el leakbug-config script muestra la información de la biblioteca adecuada.
Development, Minor bugfixes
Fixes for segfaults as a result of registering memory of 0 bytes or registering NULL pointers, and the leakbug-config script displays the appropriate library information.