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Descripción del Proyecto

Local Media Browser lets you access your collection of digital media files from a Web browser. It is designed for (but not limited to) low-powered clients (like the Nintendo Wii) on low-resolution displays (like TVs). It uses its own specialized Web server. It is fully customizable through easy HTML-templates, CSS, and ini-files. It currently supports picture and music files. It supports indexing and caching of information (such as thumbnails and ID3 tags) for fast browsing as well as on-the-fly gathering.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-01-25 07:42

El módulo de la música está ahora funcionando bien. Local Media Browser ahora dirige sus propios multi-servidor Web rosca en un puerto personalizado, lo que no hay necesidad de un servidor web como Apache más grande. Las plantillas se han mejorado y parezca mucho mejor ahora. También son más fáciles de mejorar, como una simple plantilla se usa el lenguaje.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The music module is now running well. Local Media
Browser now runs its own multi-threaded Web server
on a custom port, so there is no need for a big
Web server like Apache anymore. The templates were
improved and look much nicer now. They are also
easier to improve, as a simple template language
is used.

2008-01-13 01:32

De documentación y la información de licencia se ha añadido. Código de limpieza que se hizo. Los agujeros de seguridad se han arreglado. Plantillas fueron revisados. Este comunicado contiene sólo el módulo de foto de los medios locales del navegador, como los otros módulos están todavía en desarrollo.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Documentation and license information was added.
Code clean-up was done. Security holes were fixed.
Templates were overhauled. This release contains
only the picture module of Local Media Browser, as
the other modules are still under development.

2008-01-08 17:26

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources