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Descripción del Proyecto

Logapp is a wrapper utility that helps supervise
the execution of applications that produce heavy
console output (e.g. make, CVS, and Subversion).
It does this by logging, trimming, and coloring
each line of the output before displaying it. It
can be called instead of the executable that
should be monitored; it then starts the
application and logs all of its console output to
a file. The output shown in the terminal is
preprocessed, e.g. to limit the length of printed
lines and to show the stderr output in a different
color. It is also possible to automatically
highlight lines that match a certain regular
expression. The output is therefore reduced to the
necessary amount, and all important lines are easy
to identify.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-12-27 21:21

Esta versión incluye actualizaciones Makefile, actualizaciones de la documentación, correcciones de errores menores, y la limpieza de código.
Tags: Minor bugfixes, Code cleanup
This release includes Makefile updates, documentation updates, smaller bug fixes, and code cleanups.

2009-08-27 06:56

Esta versión corrige dos errores que causaron los datos modificados, se registrará en determinadas circunstancias.
Tags: Bugfixes
This release fixes two bugs that caused modified data to be logged in certain circumstances.

2009-06-28 15:26

El proceso de construcción ha sido redactado de nuevo y algunos errores han sido corregidos.
Tags: Code cleanup
The build process has been reworked and a few bugs have been fixed.

2009-05-03 15:43

Este lanzamiento corrige un error de segmentación que se produjo cuando la variable de entorno TERM no está establecida. Adicionales de manejo de códigos de estado devueltos por los comandos ejecutados ha sido añadido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes a segfault which occurred when the TERM environment variable is not set. Additional handling of status codes returned by executed commands has been added.

2009-02-19 10:00

Esta versión incluye el soporte para expresiones regulares extendidas. El comando de análisis de la línea de parámetros ha sido rediseñada.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds support for extended regular expressions. The command line parameter parsing has been reworked.

Project Resources