MplayerXP is branch of the well-known mplayer that is based on a new, thread-based core. The main goal of this project is to achieve smoothness of video playback due monotonous CPU loading.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
En esta versión, el modo XP funciona con todos los pilotos vo, muchos bloqueos se fijaron, DEC Alpha optimizaciones se han añadido, es un visualizador de imágenes agradables, y hay un sinnúmero de otros cambios.
Major bugfixes
In this release, XP mode works with every vo driver, many deadlocks were fixed, DEC-Alpha optimizations were added, there is a nice picture viewer, and there are countless numbers of other changes.