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Descripción del Proyecto

MWhois is a highly configurable and feature-laden whois lookup script written in both PHP and Perl. It features whois querying, a domain name wizard for creating domain names from information provided, and a global domain name wizard to search through all domain types. All of MWhois was created using template files to make sure that the script integrates well with your Web site.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13

Soporte para muchos más tipos de dominio ha sido añadido. ya no se utiliza como servidor de información predeterminada para com, net, org, mil, y la educación, porque sus bases de datos parece haber sido en blanco.
Support for many more domain types was added. is no longer used as the default information server for com, net, org, mil, and edu because its databases appears to have been blanked.

2001-01-30 15:13

Esta versión corrige un par de errores que estaban causando fiables mundial y el asistente de búsqueda.
This release fixes a couple of bugs that were causing unreliable global and wizard searching.

2001-01-30 15:13

Initial release.
Initial release.

Project Resources