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Descripción del Proyecto

OIO is a Web-based metadata/data management front-end which is built using Zope and works with Postgresql. No programming is required to build and manage Web-forms or to perform data mining/analysis on the collected data. It is in production at the Harbor/UCLA Medical Center for clinical outcomes management and research data. Forms created with OIO and hosted on any OIO server can be downloaded as XML files. Once downloaded from the "Forms library" and imported into an OIO server, the necessary database tables are automatically recreated and the imported forms become immediately available to the users of that OIO server.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13

Una solución para un problema grave en oio-0.9.4 's de expresiones regulares plantilla de módulo. Esto da lugar a error en los datos del formulario se presenta incluso después de la caja de alerta se muestra, que derrota el propósito de tener el código de validación.
A fix for a serious bug in oio-0.9.4's Regular Expression template module. This bug results in form data being submitted even after the alert box was displayed, which defeats the whole purpose of having the validation code.

2001-01-30 15:13

Permitir la incorporación de applets de Java en la web los formularios para la entrada de datos sin programación, la validación del cliente a través de expresiones regulares (plantilla), y los datos de que se fusionen y drill-down consultar a través de las formas (y versiones).
Allowing the incorporation of Java Applets into Web-forms for data input without programming, client-side validation through Regular Expression (template), and data merging and drill-down querying across Forms (and versions).

2001-01-30 15:13

Los formularios creados con Oio y alojados en cualquier servidor Oio pueden descargarse como archivos XML. Esto abre la puerta a la creación de bibliotecas de las formas, en las que pueden ser catalogados, revisada por expertos en el índice, busque y fácilmente compartidos en la Web. La primera biblioteca de formularios público está ahora en línea en el sitio principal de Oio.
Forms created with OIO and hosted on any OIO server can be downloaded as XML files. This opens the door to the creation of forms libraries, where forms can be cataloged, peer-reviewed, indexed, searched, and easily shared on the Web. The first public forms library is now online at OIO's main site.

Project Resources