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Descripción del Proyecto

schwanz3 is a personal system measurement utility, and attempts to analyze all important values on different Unix variants. The rating does not aim to be objective, and is intended to be used to compare systems and egos.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-04-13 01:29

Un error grande donde Ogg se intercambian con MP3 se ha solucionado. Una solución para ck_uptime en Solaris se ha añadido. Ogg, FLAC, MP3, y ahora sólo cuenta +1 (la música no es tan importante).
Tags: Major bugfixes
A large bug where Ogg was interchanged with MP3 has been fixed. A workaround for ck_uptime on Solaris has been added. Ogg, FLAC, and MP3 only count +1 now (music is not so important).

2006-04-10 02:52

Ck_dot_files muy subjetiva ha sido desactivado. Algunos errores tipográficos han sido corregidos. A README se ha añadido. Mejor soporte para Solaris y NetBSD ha sido añadido. Soporte para formato mbox ha añadido. El ck_iface controles y ck_good_music se han añadido.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Highly subjective ck_dot_files have been disabled. Some typos have been fixed. A README has been added. Better support for Solaris and NetBSD has been added. Support for mbox-format has been added. The checks ck_iface and ck_good_music have been added.

2005-10-16 10:01

Control de tráfico simple se agregó. El código fuente fue puesta en un repositorio git.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Simple traffic checking was added. The source code
was put into a git repository.

2005-06-16 11:26

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources